Sunday, August 5, 2012

From the Beginning

      Someone once told me (to calm my nerves) that throughout life we all start at the bottom, then we work our way to the top ... And thats the way it will be in everything we do. So I guess we all have a beginning, and for me or anyone that really knew me, knew that I had a passion for photography and it started in High School. 

I always had a camera with me, but it was there that I was introduced to how film worked, the darkroom and SLR's. I LOVED photography, I had no fear to get out and get the image I wanted, I was going to make this my career. Then something happened .... life!!!

Seeing it all started in High School for me, I only see it as fitting to add a picture of myself back then, and our group of amazing friends (I'm the one in the VERY back on the left hand side). I could just do a whole blog on all my amazing friends. Thats one area I feel truly blessed in! Even though I don't get to see these guys above much or if at all (God be with you till we meet again Stretch) - they honestly bring a smile to my face!

And that was it for about 9years. In between that time and now I created a lot of great memories (a few to forget). Met some amazing people, had some great jobs where I learnt a number of great skills (some skills including what I don't want to be like).

I love my family and that includes my extended, in-laws and adopted families (I'm sure you'll meet them all along the way). I don't even know if these people really understand how much they mean to me or how much I do love them all. 

It's so cliche', and I'm kinda the one to roll their eyes when someone says this, but their is one person in my life who believes in me the most and has made my dreams a reality. We met when we were 14 and had become friends ever since. At 16, he was one of my best-friends.

However, we got to an age where our lives were pulling us in different directions and thats the way it was going to be. So we just let it happen! I remember my heart aching for my bestfriend, knowing that during some of my best and loneliest times he couldn't be there with me and I wasn't sure how I was going to continue without the one person who knew my thoughts better then I knew them myself. 

As it turned out, our paths led us right back to each other - (sometimes it'd be handy if life just showed us our future occasionally). We got married, we travelled (a little bit). We worked, we studied, we fought, we loved, we cried and we smiled, just like any normal marriage. We have two Beautiful and funny girls ... I can't thank him enough for continuing to work to support our little family. 

(James I know you are reading this - even if you end up being the only one to read this! I know it may seem I am complaining a lot because I miss you or I want you home, but I want you to know that nothing I can say or do can show you how much I appreciate all you do for us xxx)

Thomas S. Monson said; "Learn from the past, Prepare for the Future, Live in the Present". Whilst I wouldn't change much about my past (maybe just a couple things), I had let my dreams become just that ... Dreams. I put everyone and everything first and it was my husband who decided he needed to make MY dreams a reality. 

Seeing my work and believing in me - he has invested into more gear, better cameras and training in the last year alone. I have never been so patient with anything saying all the time, that my time would come  (and I'm just not a patient person). I actually never dreamt my time really would come (even though I would say it), and it was James who decided my time was now. 

We've been arguing about blogging for awhile now .... I kept putting it off saying I wasn't ready. I was and still am scared that I am not going to be all that I want to be as a photographer. I need to bring back that teenager that had no fear to get out and get that image and liked it regardless of its imperfections. Soooooo now I've just opened up and told my life story!

So here it goes, starting from the bottom again; Here I Am! 

Self portrait. compact canon IXUS - My poor little camera is so battered, but it still does its job!!!
 I like to not just take a photo but capture a memory. The whole photographic experience is creating lasting memories ... I want my clients to be comfortable with me and thats why I started this Blog with a little about me. It's a little hard to get a photo of yourself let alone a decent one when you are always behind the camera.  I prefer to be behind the camera anyway, umm thats why I take the photo's! 

Trying to get a photo with my baby, Mummy is a photographer so my girls are little posers - she obviously didn't want her photo taken at this point, the joys of raising girls!!!!

My husband comforting our eldest daughter - (I've always called her my little angel, I knew from the first moment that she came into our life it was for me, thats why she's my angel). 

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