Friday, August 17, 2012

The Tuckers

Within days of starting my new business, I had been contacted by Tammie to do some family photo's. The best part about this was that it was going to be done on uni campus just after she graduates - so this was going to be graduation pics and family photo's in one! 

I am a believer of work and education. I wish I knew after high school where I was going to end up and what I wanted to do. The problem is, I spent years 10, 11 & 12 trying to figure out what I really wanted to do, and it took me many years past that to really figure it out. In the meantime, I had tried different avenues!

I was scared of starting uni after school, I wasn't set on the avenue I wanted to take and I was secretly dealing with some sort of panic thing I had going on. Unless you have suffered from any kind of panic disorders you don't really quite understand what one person is going through. And even then I still don't understand what someone goes through ... all I knew was, I couldn't go places by myself, if I didn't know the place or it was new or strange I would start to slightly panic (on the inside). 

Finally as a mature age student, I decided to head back to uni! I remember walking back into uni to do a re-entry course, not knowing where I was going or what I was doing - I panicked!!! All these confident students around me, I walked into the wrong classroom - I couldn't find my classroom! I felt too old, I was unsure if I would be able to study again, I just didn't know what I was doing, I was lost and confused! 

Whilst I haven't finished my degree (yet) as we had children, I became a stay at home mum and a photographer! I look back on the years passed and think many things; I wish I knew this during school, I wish I persevered (because in the time that has lapsed that I keep putting it off, I could've finished), I wish I was courageous enough, I wish I listened to myself, I wish I picked different subjects originally, I wish I started a different degree, I wish I was more studious. 

I was in awe at Tammie, this was it, this was her day. All the time studying, being a mum, working and everything else life throws at you - she had made it to graduation! This was the day I should've made it too a long time ago and I was glad that Tammie was my example that day to persevere! I didn't have to finish uni after high school. Mature age students can do it too! Thats what was so special about these photographs ... It was a family photoshoot to be celebrated!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Renee & Andrew - combining two families

I was re-united with Renee, after years of not having contact with her. Seeing her children all grown up, in a new relationship, happy and loving life! It was an honour to be the photographer at her wedding and watch her take that next step in her life.

If you spent a day with Renee & Andrew you would see how much they and their children compliment each other. I'm sure bringing any two families together would have it's problems to start with, they have somehow managed to blend both his and her children to make one big family. It can't be easy but it has to take a certain type of person to achieve this with teenagers. This may have been a wedding of two people, but it was more like a party combining two families!

The day was perfect, in the middle of an Australian summer they got lucky not to have the scorching sun beating down on them. Instead they managed to pick a day that had a combination of sun and cloud, and for photo's on the beach you couldn't have asked for better weather!

(If you are wondering about the watermarking, there are a couple of things I am not a huge fan - 1. splashing your name across the photograph unless in an advertisement or 2. stealing people's photographs that have been paid for. Whilst I try to keep watermarking in the corner, occasionally I will during a preview heavily watermark the image to prevent family, friends and strangers of the client obtaining, displaying and printing images that belong copyright to the photographer and printing rights to the client, especially before the client receives the copy of their images. What you are viewing are the client's preview images).

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Wedding Collections

Their's something special about weddings that I enjoy - maybe it's all the love and happy feelings, the uniting of two people, or families coming together. Who knows, but I love weddings!!! 

I am big on photo's at weddings, some people concern themselves when booking a wedding photographer whether they should be or not, or feel they will never look at them again. I guess what you do with them after is up to you! I have mine enlarged and my photo album on my coffee table. I may not look at them regularly, but it's there and I love them and all the memories associated with them!!!!

My favourite parts of photographing a wedding are all the smaller details; that gentle touch, people not realising you are paying attention. Whilst everyone's eyes are turned to the bride as she walks down the aisle, I love turning back to see the face of the groom. Their's something special in that moment, and it usually says it all on the groom's face as he watches his bride!

It's pretty amazing how people vary in wedding traditions around the world. I would love to be able to experience these different cultures. I guess what I am saying is .... I AM AVAILABLE! I couldn't think of anything more amazing then to be a part of and see the combination of weddings and culture from around the world and be able to photograph that. (I can send qoutes via email)

I've held off some of these images, and I feel now is the right time to share them with you. It's only a small sample for the time being. For now, we have weddings I've worked on, been a part of as a guest, or learnt from the amazing Shelton Muller & Glynn Lavender who's work I admire and look up too! I will be blogging my individual jobs in due time, so stay tuned! 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

From the Heart, Parkinson's & Grandad

Occasionally I get a reminder to stay focused on the important things ... like today! I am trying not to cry as I write today's blog. This photoshoot was definitely one I will always remember, not just because it was my grandparents but because it created a fun, long and lasting memory. Without photography I wouldn't have had that experience and created that memory. I made my grandparents go against their 'mature' mentality and show a little 'PDA' (Public Displays of Affection). It was fun to watch and had us all in laughter including my grandparents!

Grandad has Parkinson's Disease, I didn't quite realise this in my younger years or understand exactly what it was. But slowly over the years your body deteriorates ( I think the hardest part for my grandfather is having a body that doesn't work but his mind still is (well was). He has always played such significant roles in my life personally and I will always be blessed for it. I value the fact that he got to marry my husband and I for all Time and Eternity amongst other major factors in my life.

Without realising it or saying it, my father always had us treat Grandad as the family Patriarch in all we did. If ever I had a question about anything, even if my father knew the answer he would make me phone my grandfather for the answer! A part of me still turns to my grandfather, sometimes you don't even have to say anything to him - he would just be there! He always seems to know the right thing to say and always makes you feel like what you are talking about is important.

Watching him deteriorate with this disease is harder then I imaged. I have never lived in close proximity to my grandparents. The house is still the same when I go there (other then the rottweiler in the backyard being replaced by a jumpy little rat, the ramp out the front, and the microfiche reader is replaced by a computer), I feel comfortable and at ease amongst the simple things in life. Then I look at my Grandad and I don't see the same man. 

As I fight back the tears so he doesn't see me crying, I understand that he's at an age where this is going to be a reality we have to face eventually. I don't like change much! My children inparticular my eldest daughter has ALWAYS adored her great-grandfather. I can truly say she's lucky to even know her great-grandfather, because many do not even get that chance. She has this gentle and loving nature when she's around him thats sweet to watch.

The last time we were in his area, recognising we were close by she started screaming and crying at me to let her go in and see him (she's 3 1/2 years old). It's hard, because any ounce of sickness we need to stay away incase we pass it on. I eventually gave in and took her over, letting her run into the house and up to give him a hug. 

Grandad doesn't say much anymore and if he does its hard to understand what he is saying. His expressions are becoming less but when my daughter hugged him he smiled a certain smile whilst his face lit up. In his frail state he picks her up (as he does every time she runs to him), we dispute his decision to lift her (as we do every time he picks her up). But I let them have their moment. I replay that over and over in my head. Their was something about that smile I wish my daughter could understand. 

Each time I say goodbye, I don't know if it's going to be my last time, so I solemnly get in my car and let the tears that I fought back in the house flow. The girls continue their chatter about seeing Grandma & Grandad, my husband often quietly holds my hand whilst I stare out the window crying. Waving goodbye to my grandparents who without fail always stand on their verandah to wave back until we have driven past. I hold on to that view till its out of sight and store it in my memory hoping for another one.

I want to say to my Grandad that I love you and I want to be selfish and tell you not to go anywhere because I need you in my life to answer my questions and to support me in all my decisions. I want you to always be there when I come by, and be standing on that verandah waving us goodbye. I want you to be around for when Penrith Panthers win a game and you're happy and mobile again. Or for when my children get older so they too can appreciate your stories, your knowledge and your funny digs at Grandma when she does something whacky. I want to tell you to stop being sick and bring back the Grandad I can talk to. 

But I can't be selfish. Every year I pray that this isn't your year to go, because I don't want you too, or because really, I am afraid of death and I haven't told you everything yet. But I'm telling you now that I love you even if you already know!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

High Tea anyone!?

I received a random phone call to ask if I would be able to photograph a 'high tea' .... umm sure, I don't have a specific genre yet remember when it comes to photography, so I was willing to give it a shot (Get it!? lol).

 I never had photographed food or  an event before like this (other then for personal use). I wasn't sure how it would go, but ... I LIKED IT!!! I knew the venue well, being situated at church for a group of deserving women. So initially I was a little concerned about sufficient lighting and the overall look. 

Sarah Osmotherly is no stranger to creating events and assured me she was completely transforming the location. And that she did! Along with quite a number of helping hands from the Relief Society in Charlestown - they created a high tea like nothing I had been to before. 

What I discovered on this shoot, was that the thing with photographing food is; it doesn't blink, it doesn't move, you missed the shot so you retake it and voila', you got it!

wait ..... their is one problem, do not photograph food when you are hungry :(

Photography is an art no matter how you do it, and if I'm looking at the photo and I want to eat that, then I think I have succeeded (like the peppermint slice you are about to experience).

Great job Sarah for a huge effort and to all those Relief Society sisters who baked or assisted her on a successful event!

Here's to changing it up and my first photo 'event'! (and this is only a portion of the event)